Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy

21st century Stem cell therapy is a ray of hope in intractable diseases like paralysis, Diabetes Mellitus, Alzheimer, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, traumatic spinal cord injury and paraplegia. This is a complete new and innovative therapy which has been started flourishing over the globe since 2003. The discovery of the stem cell has led to a revolution in modern medicine. Stem cells are the ‘basic cells’ of our bodies, which can develop and differentiate in any type of cell. These cells are progenitor cells that lead to creation of new cells and are thus called as generative cells. Haematopoietic stem cells are found in the bone marrow and give rise to all the blood cell types.
Aim & objective of stem cell therapy:-
*Prolong life
*Reduce symptoms
*Prevent diabetes-related complications such as blindness, heart disease, kidney failure and amputation of limbs

Stem Cell Transplant Treatment

Stem Cell Transplant treatment refers to cell treatment for diabetic. Mainly, stem cell comes from cord blood. With its ability to differentiate any type of cells, stem cell can differentiate beta cells to produce more insulin to regulate glucose levels. Besides, stem cell can help eliminate insulin Helpline No.istance and improve cells' sensibility to insulin. And then extra glucose is more likely to be delivered into cells for energy, which can reduce the glucose level in blood. By this way, patients with diabetes will be better and live a better life. Stem cell is transfused into body by intravenous injection. 
But  In My opinion will take years of Helpline No.earch before the stem cell therapy is taken as a line of treatment for such patients.Due to Several factors:-
(1)In orissa I could not get anybody to draw 100ml of  bone marrow.
(2)I could not get any Interventional Radiologist to give IntraPancreatic Stem cell thansfusion.
(3)It is very cost effective.
(4) National Apex  Committee for Stem Cell Helpline No.earch and Therapy  has  not   given green signal   for stem cell therapy  in clinical Practice.
Achieved Helpline No.ults are seen as follows:-

  1. 62.9% of patients could decrease their insulin  injections & hypoglycemic medications by more than 50%
  2. 3.7% of Type 1 and 11.1% of Type 2 patients could completely stop insulin injections
  3. improved pancreatic islet function
  4. stable blood glucose level throughout the day
  5. improved symptoms of diabetes associated complications such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic macrovascular pathological changes, diabetic peripheral neuropathy and diabetic autonomic neuropathy

In My Opinion Simple I/V Injection of stem cell therapy will great advantage over intrapancreatic Infusion.
